16 Aug New RMHC License Plate Raises Funds and Awareness
Press Release:

Sam, 4, holds new specialty license plate benefiting RMHC chapters throughout Ohio. Sam and his family are staying at RMHC of Central Ohio while his sister undergoes treatment.
CLEVELAND, Ohio (RMHC) – A new specialty license plate has just been created to help raise awareness and funds for Ronald McDonald House Charities across Ohio.
The Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles began offering the plate Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021. The proceeds from the sale of the license plate will be split among the RMHC Chapters across the state, including RMHC Northeast Ohio.
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northeast Ohio, Inc. serves thousands of families each year through Cleveland and Akron House programs, four hospital-based Family Room programs, STAR Center, Care Mobile and family resource link, RedTreehouse.org.
Families come from all over the world for medical care, but the vast majority of those we serve live right here in Ohio. The license plate program is a great way for people in local communities to show their support and help build awareness, while also contributing financially to RMHC programs throughout Ohio.
Former State Rep. Erica Crawley, D-District 26, first proposed adding an RMHC license plate. Her proposal was eventually added to Senate Bill 163, sponsored by Sen. Stephanie Kunze, R-District 16. The bill was to create a new group of specialty plates, including one for RMHC. Governor Mike DeWine signed it into law in October of 2020.
I know many times that I walk up in a parking lot or some place and just notice some of the different things on the license plates. It's a great way to publicize and it's a great way to get the public's attention about something that's very, very important.
This will continue to bring awareness to the important services local Ronald McDonald Houses provide to families in need of support so that they can be strong for their children receiving medical cares.
Northeast Ohio co-sponsors of the legislation include Rep. Jeffrey Crossman, D-District 15, Fmr. Rep. Anthony DeVitis, R-District 36, Rep. Tavia Galonski, D-District 35, Rep. Timothy Ginter, R-District 5, Rep. Diane V. Grendell, R-District 76, Fmr. Rep. Stephen D. Hambley, R-District 69, Rep. Michele Lepore-Hagan, D-District 58, Rep. Gayle Manning, R-District 55, Rep. Michael J. O’Brien, D-District 64, Rep. Bill Roemer, R-District 38, Sen. Nickie Antonio, D-District 23, Sen. Matt Dolan, R-District 24, Sen. Nathan H. Manning, R-District 13, Sen. Sandra O’Brien, R-District 32, Sen. Michael A. Rulli, R-District 33, Sen. Vernon Sykes, D-District 28, Sen. Sandra R. Williams, D-District 21, Sen. Kenny Yuko, D-District 25.
RMHC supporters can purchase the plate for $35 in-person at the BMV or through OPLATES online. Of this, $25 will go to RMHC and the remaining $10 is a service fee to the BMV for processing purposes.