Look and Feel

Look & Feel

Colors, Fonts and Photography Guidelines

One of the most important ways to communicate our unique mission and build brand strength is to speak with a unified voice and visual expression. The style guidelines below ensure RMHC NEO consistently illustrates our mission and values through the look and feel of all marketing, development, and communication elements.

The preferred creative approach is clean, simple and bold, with eye-catching visuals of RMHC NEO families and children. Visuals should inspire emotion, be authentic and share what it means for families to stay close to one another when they need it most.

Color Palette

Our color palette is designed to evoke feelings of warmth, comfort, hope and friendliness.

Main Colors


For Printing:
CMYK 63, 38, 0, 0

PANTONE 2129 C/660 U

For Digital Use:
RGB 72, 114, 174
HEX #4872AE

Dark Gray

For Printing:
CMYK 57, 51, 57, 23

For Digital Use:
RGB 102, 102, 102
HEX #666666


For Printing:
CMYK 0, 23, 93, 0
PANTONE 123 C /115 U

For Digital Use:
RGB 255, 200, 41

Supplementary Colors

Light Gray

For Printing:
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 20
PANTONE Cool Gray 2

For Digital Use:
RGB 204, 204, 204

Dark Gray

For Printing:
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 90

For Digital Use:
RGB 51, 51, 51
HEX #333333


For Printing:
CMYK 5, 97, 100, 0

For Digital Use:
RGB 218, 26, 0


The primary font we use is Raleway. In compliance with the ADA guidelines for digital accessibility, RMHC has chosen to use sans-serif and non-script fonts for both digital and print text. Raleway is a free font that offers a variety of weight options.

Raleway font weights used by RMHC:Thin, ExtraLight, Light, Regular, Medium, SemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, Black.

Raleway is a free font and is available on fontsquirrel.com.

The download includes 18 styles of the font.

→Download Raleway


The photography style used in all RMHC communications and events should evoke the emotions of the families we serve: hopeful, honest, playful, fun and loving.

The photography style should reflect that:

  • We care for children, but we aren’t child-like.
  • Our work is serious but we celebrate the magic that unites us.
  • We reflect all types of families, not just the nuclear one.
  • We’re for families, and families are: playful, honest, loving.
  • Photography should always be authentic RMHC photography not stock or commercial images.

Note: Signed releases are required by all family members pictured in the image(s).

RMHC client kneeling on sidewalk with child while they play with toys.