23 Jan A Supermom and a Super Hero: A Powerful Homecoming
Kelly and John Mata stayed at the House for three months while John underwent treatment for trouble with eating function, a severe condition that left him malnourished. Much has changed in the year since their return home, with some delightfully surprising developments.
Kelly and John met Spiderman in 2018 when Super Heroes to Kids in Ohio hosted a Christmas Party at the House.

A year after meeting Spiderman at the Ronald McDonald House, John shows off his own super powers for Halloween.
Everyone loves a homecoming, and this one fills our hearts to the brim. We recently shared the story of Kelly and John Mata, who stayed at the Ronald McDonald House for three months in 2018. They had come all the way from Connecticut for the Cleveland Clinic’s Intensive Pediatric Feeding Program after Kelly was unable to find treatment for John near their home. Having grown up outside of Cleveland, she decided to try the Clinic, which had the specialized program John needed.
During their stay, which lasted through the holiday season and into early 2019, they shared many experiences with other families and made many friends at the House. After a long day at the hospital, the evening meals and activities were a welcome break, and they enjoyed joining in the fun. John was especially enamored with the Super Heroes to Kids in Ohio who visited the House for holiday parties and movie nights.
A few months after the Matas returned to Connecticut, Kelly decided that she and John should return to the Cleveland area, this time for good. According to Kelly, their stay at the Ronald McDonald House had given them a foundation and made their relocation easy.
I felt like I could come home and I already had a group of people and support. I am still friends with a lot of the families we met at the Ronald McDonald House. We were there together for a very long time and shared many experiences.

Kelly’s Super Heroes debut at the Ronald McDonald House
With John’s health much improved, Kelly wanted to become involved in the community and “give back” on a more regular basis. Because the Super Heroes had made such a positive impression on John and brought them both so much joy at the House, Kelly decided to join the group. One year after Kelly and John were guests, Kelly returned to the Ronald McDonald House, this time to help throw a holiday party in her debut as Cinderella with Super Heroes to Kids in Ohio.
Every day, families come to the Ronald McDonald House in need of comfort and support. Please help us celebrate the superhero in all of them. Give a gift today.